SPC Express Spoken Messages


SPC Express allows you to specify which spoken messages you wish to hear (requires version 06-09-2011 or newer).

Here's how it works:

There are 14 different messages (or sounds) that can be played upon certain events.  They are all standard Windows WAV files.

In File/GlobalPreferences, use Extra Option:   SOUNDS=YYYYYYYNNNNNNN  (by default, they are all set to 'Y')

  ... where each 'Y' means YES, play that sound ---- and each 'N' means NO, do NOT play that sound.

Each position is dedicated to a specific sound as follows:

 1 = ExtraRec.wav
 2 = GageItem.wav
 3 = Gage-OOS.wav
 4 = GageSamp.wav
 5 = GageSgrp.wav
 6 = Keyb-OOS.wav
 7 = NoHotFnd.wav
 8 = NoNewFnd.wav
 9 = OOC.wav
10 = Tap.wav (AutoScope)
11 = Type.wav (AutoScope)
12 = Type.wav (MetraLight)
13 = Type.wav (ChainSkip)
14 = Unreas.wav

For Example: SOUNDS=NNNNNYNNNNNNNN would only play Sound #6 (Keyb-OOS.wav) which is associated with a keyboard sample being entered that is Out-Of-Spec.

You may also RECORD your own WAV files if you want (using recording software).  Each can be a sound effect or a spoken voice message.  Just be sure to name them the same as the WAV filenames already being used in SPC Express.

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